This episode is all about online retail and ecommerce tips to help you reach your goals.
In the first half of the episode, I’m sharing a bit about how online retail is changing retail in person. I’m also sharing three ways that you can adapt:
1. If you have an online ecommerce store you have to get to know your customers.
Survey them – what attracts them to your brand or products. Are they loyal? Some people purchase month after month or year after year. It will help you adapt and make changes to how you market your business.
2. Prepare for gift seasons.
This could be the holidays, birthdays, summer, depending on what kind of products you have. Know what your seasons are and prepare your promotions around those periods. This doesn’t always means discounts – but your campaigns, etc., and everything that would work for you business.
3. Be there when they come looking.
When it comes to online retail and ecommerce, it’s still a lot about search and search engines.
In the second half of today’s episode, we hear from Chloë Thomas, who’s been working ecommerce since 2003.
Chloë points out that there’s a common disconnect with the way many of us approach our marketing.
She recommends that entrepreneurs – especially those in ecommerce – stop thinking marketing method first and application second. In other words, don’t approach your marketing with the thought “We have to do Facebook, email, or Instagram.”
Instead, think about what the problem is that needs fixing first! Is your problem that you’re not getting enough people to your website? Or is it that they’re not signing up for your business? Or is it that they’re buying once and not again?
Because depending on what your needs are, your methodology will change!
She also emphasizes the utmost importance of listening to your customer. The one thing in common about all businesses who are doing well is that they are listening to their customers. They’re building services, marketing, etc. that their customers are responding to.
It’s such solid advice, especially if you’re really focusing on making an ecommerce business succeed!
Take time to listen in to today’s episode to catch all of the great info we share.
More About Chloë Thomas
Author, International Speaker, and host of the eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast.
Chloë Thomas has been working in eCommerce since 2003, learning how to increase orders, up customer retention, and recruit new customers cost effectively. Working with businesses from the high street right down to start ups.
eCommerce MasterPlan is the result of Chloë’s years of experience, the books, blogs and courses have all been created to help eCommerce business owners and marketers to make the right decisions as they build their own path to eCommerce success. The eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast exists to bring a weekly dose of inspiration direct to the desks of eCommerce business people all over the globe.
Power Retail (Australia) named Chloë as one of the top 10 eCommerce commentators in the world, and within 6 months of launch the podcast was already the top eCommerce podcast in the UK.
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